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Minggu, 16 Maret 2025
05:55:41 petang

ACC Supported The ASEAN Guest of Honour Project of the 12th Beijing International Film Festival

ACC Supported The ASEAN Guest of Honour Project of the 12th Beijing International Film Festival

BEIJING, LELEMUKU.COM - From 16 to 18 August 2022, the “ASEAN Guest of Honour” Project of the 12th Beijing International Film Festival (BJIFF) was successfully held at Beijing Yanqi Lake International Conference Center. The ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) was invited to be the supporter of the project. On the afternoon of 16 August, Mr. Djauhari Oratmangun, Ambassador of Indonesia to China, and Mrs. Wiwik Oratmangun attended the Market Screening of Indonesian film upon invitation. Ms. Wang Hongliu, Director of the General Affairs and Coordination Division of ACC, Ms. Natthira Krasaesarn, Minister Counsellor of the Royal Thai Embassy in Beijing, and Mr. Venince Allen Carillo, Third Secretary of the Embassy of the Philippines in Beijing attended related events, including Beijing Film Market Opening Reception, Market Screening of Indonesian and Thai films.  
On the morning of 16 August, ACC and representatives of diplomatic envoys from ASEAN Embassies in BeijingMember States (AMS) to China also met with Ms. Xu Tao, Executive Deputy Secretary General of the Organizing Committee of the 12th BJIFF and Deputy Editor of Beijing Radio & Television Station (BRTV). They exchanged views over the ASEAN-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and promoting people-to-people exchanges especially in film cooperation between the two sides.  

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ACC Supported The ASEAN Guest of Honour Project of the 12th Beijing International Film Festival

Ambassador Djauhari Oratmangun and representatives of  Embassies of ASEAN Member States (AMS) Embassies in Beijing China also accepted the interviews with journalists from China Report ASEAN, praising that the event is of great importance to tie ASEAN-China people-to-people bonds and open up film markets for both sides.
As a major section of BJIFF, the Beijing Film Market features several major sections, namely, Exhibition, Project Pitches, Industry Conversations, Events & Activities and Market Screening. With the support of AMS Embassies in BeijingChina, many ASEAN film agencies participated in the Online Exhibition. The Thai film, Get Him Girl!, and the Indonesian film, Longing for Light in Amestel, were screened for Chinese film industry insiders in Market Screening section. The Thai film, Fast & Feel Love, and the Indonesian film, Before, Now & Then, were screened in Market Screening as well as offline theaters, among which Fast & Feel Love was shortlisted in the Official Selection of Tiantan Award. With vivid characters and consistent plots, these four ASEAN films have been popular with audience.
ACC Supported The ASEAN Guest of Honour Project of the 12th Beijing International Film Festival

The 12th BJIFF was opened on 13th August, offering a variety of events including Tiantan Award, Opening Ceremony with Red Carpet, Beijing Film Panorama, Theme Forum, Masterclass, Beijing Film Market, Carnival, Closing & Awards Ceremony, the 29th Beijing College Student Film Festival,  and Film+. Following its first launch in 2021, the “ASEAN Guest of Honour” Project was also rolled out in the Beijing Film Market this year, aiming at further strengthening the ties between ASEAN and China in the cultural and creative industry and deepening friendly exchanges and practical cooperation between the two sides. (KBRIBeijing)

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