Papuan Lawmaker Advocates for Continuation of Indonesia Downstreaming Policy
pada tanggal
08 Februari 2024
JAYAPURA, LELEMUKU.COM - In an effort to maintain economic stability and improve the welfare of the people, member of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) from the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), Yan Permenas Mandenas, strengthens the call to continue the downstreaming policy advocated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s government.
According to Mandenas, the downstreaming policy that has been advocated by the previous government must be continued by the next leadership.
As representative of Papua Province, he emphasizes the sustainability of this program is a mandate given by Mr. Jokowi to Presidential Candidate (Capres) and Vice Presidential Candidate Number 2, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka (Prabowo-Gibran).
"The downstreaming policy must be continued by the next leadership as mandated by Mr. Jokowi for Capres 02," said Mandenas in Jayapura, Papua on Wednesday, February 7, 2024.
He also highlights the importance of this policy in maintaining economic stability and food availability domestically and hopes that the program will continue to have a positive impact on the welfare of Indonesian society, especially in Papua.
"Looking at the dynamics of fuel subsidies reaching 600 trillion per year, I believe that Mr. Jokowi's policy has created comfort for the Indonesian people. We must continue this program so that we can live more comfortably," Mandenas said.
Furthermore, he invites the entire society, especially in Papua, to choose a candidate leader who has the opportunity to win in one round and the voice of the Papuan people can be the best holder in the election, to ensure that attention continues to be poured from the central government to the region.
Mandenas also reaffirmed that Jokowi's downstreaming policy must be the top priority in the next leadership agenda, in order to maintain economic stability and improve the welfare of the Indonesian people.
"With full support from Mr. Jokowi to Mr. Prabowo, I am confident that Papua will continue to receive attention from the central government," Mandenas concluded. (Laura Souber)
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